If for some reason you cannot or do not wish to use the Register application to register List Pad you can use this order form instead. Please note that if you pay for List Pad directly at this time you must pay with a check or money order in U.S. dollars.
Please print and complete this form, and then send it along with your check or money order to: Taylor Design, 8172 Palm #1729, Oak Hills, CA 92345-7849, USA
Make your check or money order out to: Taylor Design
Single User License: $19 each.
Site License: $300 (single organization, all members within 160 km radius).
World-Wide License: $700 (single organization, all members on Earth).
Name: _________________________ Company Name: _________________________
(Please note that you will get your registration codes much faster if you include an E-mail address. Taylor Design does not share the addresses of registered users with anyone at any time.)
Number of Single User Licenses: _______
Number of Site Licenses: _______
World License? _______
If you have any questions, please E-mail: support@taylor-design.com.